14 February, 2022
Preconception counseling is a visit with your doctor where you discuss many aspects of pregnancy before planning a healthy pregnancy.
Doctor discuss many aspects with woman during this visit like-
1. History of any preexisting medical condition like-hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disorders, cardiac disease, seizure disorder, and any hemoglobinopathies, etc.
2. Family history of any medical disorders.
3. History of any drug addiction.
4. Any mishap in prior pregnancies or any birth defect history in prior baby.
5. History of pre term birth or low birth weight baby.
· During this visit doctor do general physical examination and blood pressure and weight check up.
· Some blood test are advised-blood group with Rh typing, CBC,RBS,S.TSH and other test according to woman history.
During this preconceptional counselling visit,doctor identify risk factors related to pregnancy and patient educated regarding pregnancy risks & management options and initiation of interventions to provide optimum healthy pregnancy outcome, so all woman should consult her gynaecologist doctor before planning pregnancy.
For more information consult Dr. Sushila Saini - 950 986 8888